Friday, 17 June 2016

TFLS For Life

A short but sweet post from me to mark the end of my teaching journey in China this year. Today I taught my last lesson with some of the best students I could have wished for during this English Language Assistant's programme. Amongst all the selfies and the endless streams of textbooks I was asked write my signature on (it genuinely felt like I was some kind of celebrity), I managed to get some very sweet photos of all of my Grade 8 students, all of whom I will miss teaching every week. I'm saddened at the thought of not being able to watch them develop even more as people and improve even more than they have at English. This must be how every teacher feels when an academic year comes to an end but at least I can take away some sweet memories from this year!

Tianjin Foreign Languages School, Grade 8, it was a pleasure to teach you all this year!


  1. Hi Annie, I've loved looking at your blog - I'm going to China myself in a couple of months, also through the British Council scheme. I wanted to document it with a blog too, but I was wondering how you got round sites being blocked? Do you have a VPN? Thanks! :)

    1. Hi Kate,
      Apologies for the late-ish reply. Admittedly I've always sought to update it more than I have this past year but I'm glad you've enjoyed it anyway! But it's been a good way to record bits of my year. I did have a VPN, yes (as did most other ELAs). If you happen to be at the London predeparture day next week, I'll be there to answer any other questions or feel free to shoot me more on here or by email!
      You're about to go on such a great adventure in China, I'm excited for you! :)


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