Wednesday, 23 December 2015


For a long time, blogging was something I was tempted to dabble in, but the thought of getting your voice out there can be a little bit daunting. Coming to China seemed as good of time as any to start though. I started this blog to not only to serve as a way to record my life here in China, but also to keep practising my writing skills and share my experiences. I hope that my ramblings will be of interest to some people, or at least helpful to anyone considering a year out to teach or move to China.

When the opportunity came along to continue sharing my experiences through a different platform, I jumped at the chance. I'm really pleased to have worked with British Council to have this article about my time in China so far published on their online Voices magazine. Based on one of my earlier blogposts 'Laowai Label', I was interviewed by the lovely digital team about what it's like to be living and teaching in China as a British born Chinese girl with novice Mandarin speaking skills. A sneak peek of the article is below:

For more of my musings, you can read the rest of the article on the British Council Voices website here.

More than anything though, I'm just chuffed to be able to speak more about my unique experiences. I've come a long way since I first experienced the frustrating struggles of looking like a local but living with a 'foreign' mindset. It's something I'm still adjusting to but I still wouldn't change a thing. Big thanks to the British Council team for taking an interest in my experience in China and giving me a nice little pre-Christmas present!


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